CREATURES as categorized here, cover things that are not found in nature as we know it: the strange, fantastic, overgrown, otherworldly, and or mythical.

ALIENS are best designed with a combination of both creative and technical imagination with the goal to arouse a sense of wonder in the unknown possibilities of otherworldly biologies and personalities. New materials and techniques are constantly being developed and incorporated alongside traditional creature effects:
• silicone rubber skins with newly developed capabilities for extended elasticity and translucence that bounce and wiggle as if alive.
• ultraviolet pigments that can cause colors and skin patterns to shift, glow and/or pulse when activated.
• light strips that can be cut in shapes and imbedded in translucent skins.
• air-filled plastic 'bag' tentacles, shapes and nodules that can inflate, deflate, writhe and move in strange ways.
• irises and orifices mechanically dilating and shifting in wild patterns.
• eyes glowing with light bulbs and parabolic mirrors cast into them, capable of extending way out off of the head on pneumatic stalks while still blinking and looking around.


For all your monster needs, we have created most all of them, from the Abominable Snowman to Zombies- Godzilla, King Kong, a Dragon, Chupacabras, Medusa, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, Cyclops, Trolls, Demons, Ape men, a Tiger lady…
At Anatomorphex, we go the extra distance to get all of the special and significant details right to create creatures that truly not only look and move, but also feel very alive.
Artful detailing and carefully engineered mechanisms are only part of the final impression of a puppet - the talent and experience level of its puppeteers are equally critical. Once we have finished creating our animals puppets and costumes, then it is our highly skilled puppeteers' turn to give our animals that extra magic that brings them to life.
Our crew is among the best in the special effects business, and we utilize all of the very best available techniques to counterfeit nature.
We have an extensive research library that we augment with pictures and films from the internet and visits to zoos and aquariums. We carefully sculpt every exacting detail and nuance of each creature’s form. We mold, cast, and fabricate our creations in supple materials, calculated to give the very best movement. Our mechanics go to great effort to design the right mechanisms to bring our animal puppets and costumes to life with high end animatronics, pneumatics, cable and rod mechanisms. We give great attention to meticulously painting them. We fur them where needed, utilizing electrostatic flocking to create fine hair patterns, hair transfers, hair punching, and four way stretch fur.


Animatronic Costume

Animatronic Costume


ROBOTS are becoming more and more a part of our lives as we move further into the twenty first century. We have created a broad range of robots, ranging from large and small animatronic and mechanical puppets, to both futuristic androids and full body character robot costumes, masks, helmets, and gloves. Our 50's Box Robot is a fully self contained robot that can be wirelessly puppeteered to move all over a set. We created Robot puppets for Spielberg's ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, and we also have smaller animatronic and hand puppet robot puppets. Our Crash Test Dummy costumes have also be easily altered into futuristic android costumes and puppets. As with many of our other rentals, all of our robots can be altered to fit your needs- they can be painted differently and details can be added and changed.