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ALLIGATORS - Mechanical Puppets.

Three- 11 foot long swimming puppets and one 4 foot long animatronic, front half puppet.


Silicone skin, glass eyes, fibreglass, 

aluminum armature, and mechanisms.


Head turn, eyes & lids, brow, mouth, nostrils, ears, body, & tail.




We have three full, eleven foot long, 'swimming' Alligators, with one rigged to open its mouth on command. All are rigged to snort bubbles or water. We also have a four and a half foot long mechanical Alligator that can quickly open and close its mouth: turn and tilt its head; its eyes look from side to side, blink and are rigged to also bug outward; there is also brow up and down movement and jaw 'smile.' It is also rigged to have all its upper teeth drop out on cue.

In her music video, ‘Roar’ one of our Alligator puppets menace Katy Perry, then she rides it and brushes its teeth. 

For the FX Network’s 

‘American Horror Story Coven’, our Alligator Puppet is strung up as dead, but it suddenly comes to life to attack a villain, and then to chomp down on another bad guy’s head and drag him into the lake.


'Credit Inserts' (Commercial/Shows) Insert Names, director.


Katy Perry Alligator

Service from behind the scenes since 1980.

Anatomorphex Celebrating over 40 years of Los Angeles Area North Hollywood Special FX Studio. Creature Fabrication
Anatomorphex, Anatomorphex Special FX, Anatomorphex Special Effects, Tangible Special Effects, Over 30 years of Hollywood Special Effects work in Movies, Exhibitions, Theme Attractions, Television, Music Videos, Concerts & Fine Art. Our services range from Animatronic People and Characters, Animals and Aliens; Makeup Effects; Stunt and Hero Props, Costumes; Miniatures and Sets for Movies, Commercials, Music Videos, Television Shows, Architectural Applications, Fine Art Fabrications. Special Effects Hollywood, Special Effects, Special FX. Los Angeles Special Effects, LA Special Effects, LA Special FX, LA Special Effects, Special Effects Makeup, Special Effects Costumes, Special Effects Animals, Special Effects Aquatic Life, Special Effects Monsters, Special Effects Creatures, Special Effects Characters, Special Effects Props and Sets, Special Effects for Films, Special Effects for Commercials. Southern California Special Effects, North Hollywood Special Effects, Robert DeVine
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