One 14 inch
tall rubber
hand puppet.
Silicone rubber and plastic.
Eyes and lids, neck, mouth open/close and smoke out of nose.
The Taco Bell Monster Eyes job was an amazing project, and it was amazing in many respects.
First was the mind-blowing premise. This commercial advertised these strange drinking straws wound around eyeballs that Taco Bell offered customers for Halloween in 1997. The eyeballs were suspended in liquid inside clear spheres so they would move around if you moved the straw. The eyeballs were weighted so that no matter how you moved them, if you were drinking out of the straws, the eyeballs would always come to rest staring up at you. The legendary creative team from Chiat Day, Chuck and Clay, had come up with a concept that was so wild and outrageous that we could not believe that it would ever be possible to be aired. To advertise the origins of these eyeball straws, Chuck and Clay came up with the story of a demented farmer who replaced the chickens in his coop with the live, decapitated heads of aliens he had captured. As if that was not outrageous enough in itself, their story told how in place of eggs, the demented farmer would now collect the aliens’ eyeballs, and the eyes would regenerate each day to be picked again. Their story turns the tables, so that the aliens are now the victims and they are all understandably terrified of the demented farmer.

Another amazing thing about the spot is that it called for us to create forty alien puppet heads, and we also got to design the alien heads. It was a dream come true for the crew at Anatomorphex. Within a limited schedule, we designed and sculpted seven original alien head puppets, that we then created variations of to create the forty puppets. The hero alien puppet heads were cast in softened silicone rubber over hand shaped cores, so you could make them talk and give them general movement with one hand. That left the other puppeteer’s hand free to work a remote control radio for the eyes, eyelids, tentacles and other facial details. Seven puppeteers each performed with one of the seven hero heads, and the remaining background heads were set up on two long pivoting arm rigs that enabled one puppeteer to keep them in motion. To celebrate and pay tribute to the Taco Bell straws with weighted eyeballs in liquid, we gave one of the aliens -Eraserhead- animatronic eyes with he eyeballs also floated suspended in liquid. This gave a great effect when the eyes were moved, the eyeballs had a lag time in responding, and had a spooky, erratic movement as they turned. We also placed tubes in three nose orifices on Eraserhead, that we blew smoke through when he got excited. We responded to the challenge of the spot by bringing the kitchen sink and everything we could to it.
The production of the commercial was also amazing. Rocky Morton at MJZ shot the commercial with beautifully moody lighting, and wild camera moves when the farmer finally gets down to ‘harvesting.’ The demented farmer had to look appropriately creepy, and we created the makeup effects to give him the perfect look. After his messy harvest, when the farmer leaves his converted chicken coop, he stops to wipe his gooey hands on his overalls, and the camera pans down to reveal the bucket of freshly harvested eyeballs. He leaves the aliens in the coop, reassuring them, “I’ll see you tomorrow boys,” and the camera cuts to one of the aliens inside, Happy, who is shown now missing his eyes replying, “We’ll keep an eye out for you.”

Wow. How this wild concept ever got past all of the censors, critics, the agency, and Taco Bell is unbelievable. But it did- and it was extremely popular and well received. It is a testament to real creative vision, and the great work that can be created if creatives are truly given the freedom to take their vision as far as they can.
TACO BELL 'Chicken Coop' commercial. Rocky Morton, director
and- SKOL 'X-Ray' commercial- Sergio Amon, director.
GOGH - Puppet.

One 11 inch
tall rubber
hand puppet.
Silicone rubber and plastic.
Eyes, neck and mouth open/close.
HAPPY - Puppet.

One 11 inch
tall rubber
hand puppet.
Silicone rubber and plastic.
Eyes, neck and mouth open/close.
LUCILLE - Puppet.

One 11 inch
tall rubber
hand puppet.
Silicone rubber and plastic.
Eyes, neck and mouth open/close.
XUCK - Puppet.

One 11 inch
tall rubber
hand puppet.
Silicone rubber and plastic.
Eyes, neck and mouth open/close.